Saturday, October 31, 2009

Taking Things Seriously

Yesterday Dave and I visited a company that is very serious about protecting their employees from the flu by setting up three new rules. First the company set up two large containers of hand sanitizer at the entrance and asked all their employees to use it on their hands when they enter and leave the company. Second no employee can come to work with a cold or a fever. And the last new rule shows the companies true commitment to preventing flu. The third rule is that no employee, even if they are well, is allowed to come to work if anyone in their family is sick.

Their commitment to preventing the flue is commendable. But as children of God we should have an even stronger commitment to being pure from sin and serving Him. So if we have the same level of commitment to serving God as they do to preventing the flu, should we not go to work or do anything other than pray to God and seek his forgiveness when we or someone in our families is in sin and apart from God?

Then I remembered Jesus' words in Matthew 5:23-24:
"Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering."

So I think this is the level of commitment that God would want us to have to being pure from sin and to serve him.


  1. Very true!! The Word of God is always a good standard of how we should act. :)

    Yay for finding object lessons in (sort of) everyday situations!!

  2. That, if not a greater commitment. :)

    Did that company make you and Dave do all that stuff too? :P

  3. Good post, thanks for staying in touch with us daddy.
