Tuesday, October 27, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine

Today we got vaccinated against swine flu, and now we all feel like we have swine flu! We chose the nasal vaccine version because it doesn't have adjuvants and mercury and is more natural way to be inoculated against a virus. But the reactions to it surprised us. Within an hour we all felt like we were coming down with a flu. It makes us wonder how bad the real virus would be. Everyone got vaccinated except Bruce because he wasn't in a high risk group, and Nathaniel because he is allergic to eggs.

We went to the Public Health Center-North Inland in Escondido because they actually have the vaccine. (In the above photo.) Everywhere else we checked didn't have it yet and didn't know when they would. In the media I had heard stories of long lines with thousands of people trying to get vaccinated, but when we went there there was very few people. It went very smoothly and quickly and it was FREE. We even got stickers! (see left)


  1. Those people were nice to use, it sure seemed to work out this time. I pray you'll feel better~

  2. I ended up getting a 100 degree fever, body aches, headache, fatigue, sore throat from this vaccine. I guess I'm sure glad this was the "attenuated" version!

  3. Now it's Friday and all the kids are well but I still feel like I have swine flu. I have body aches, dizziness, nausea, weakness, sleepiness, stiff neck, and a fever again after not having one yesterday. This is a really nasty yucky virus!
