Friday, October 30, 2009

Mussel Bed

Before the beach!After the beach!!
By Hannah
High tide is approaching. The gentle waves of low tide are gradually growing rough, whipping and lashing at my cliffs. Around me, my neighbors the barnacles, who had before been tightly shut, are opening up, preparing for the large amount of water (and hopefully plenty of food) that is soon to come.

Let me tell you about my neighbors. Some are called Acorn Barnacles. Looking identical to a rock, they may seem inanimate; however, they are quite the opposite. They have special appendages, called cirri, for getting food. When hungry,these barnacles will stretch out their cirri and begin reaching for food particles, looking just like an octopus grabbing for prey. Also, Acorn Barnacles are very attached to their homes; in fact, they grow their shells directly into the cliff they're on! They're not about to move anywhere.

The other barnacles, the Goose Barnacles, are a brilliant white color. Their many pointed ends make them look like shark's teeth, but don't worry, they don't bite! Talking about biting, when they're eating, they don't use cirri for getting food. In fact, they don't have any cirri at all! Instead, they depend entirely on the ocean's current to bring them their food. Because of this, they need to be very secure on the cliff. Therefore they attach themselves to the cliff by a sturdy stalk, which makes them look like blooming flowers when they open up.

And what about me, a California Mussel? In order to get food, I suck in water through my siphon and filter it through my gills. After that, my labial palps, which are flap-like folds, will guide anything that gets caught to my mouth where I can properly eat it. Also, under my shell I have a very strong substance called byssus, which is silk-like threads, that attach me to the cliff. Because of that, I never have to worry about being swept away by the current.

I would like to talk more, but high tide is almost here, and I need to get my siphon ready to suck in water. Good-bye!


  1. From our trip to the beach.

    By the way, my dear mothers, how do I say where I got my information professionally? It was mostly from Wiki. :P

  2. perhaps you could just make a note at the bottom in parantheses (since footnotes are difficult)and state where you got your information.

    I was thinking that you might make a good children's book writer. You took a dry non-fiction topic and made it more engaging and interesting. Thanks Hannah for writing!

  3. I've enhanced your post with pictures!

  4. Thanks Hannah for the entertaining read. :) Sort of reminded me of Pagoo!! I agree with Mom, you should write children's books!

    (I helped the HTML be a little bit more normal)
