Saturday, October 31, 2009
Taking Things Seriously
Their commitment to preventing the flue is commendable. But as children of God we should have an even stronger commitment to being pure from sin and serving Him. So if we have the same level of commitment to serving God as they do to preventing the flu, should we not go to work or do anything other than pray to God and seek his forgiveness when we or someone in our families is in sin and apart from God?
Then I remembered Jesus' words in Matthew 5:23-24:
"Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering."
So I think this is the level of commitment that God would want us to have to being pure from sin and to serve him.
Happy Reformation Day!!
Today is Reformation Day!! 492 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther's posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31.
This act triggered the Reformation of the 16'th century. The Reformation is an incredibly important historical event, and one that is well worth celebrating!! The Reformation was the great 'rediscovery' of the true gospel, that salvation is by grace and grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ.
Martin Luther and his colleagues came to understand that if we sinners had to earn salvation by our own merits and good works, we would be lost and completely without hope. But through the working of the Holy Spirit, the reformers rediscovered the gospel -- the wonderful news that Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose again to redeem and justify us.
As Luther wrote in his explanation of the Second Article of the Apostles' Creed:
I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord, who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, that I may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, even as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity. This is most certainly true. "
'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God', written by Martin Luther, is often called the "Battle Hymn of the Reformation"!!
Listen to it here:A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR GODA mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing;
Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing:
For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and power are great, and, armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing;
Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing:
Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He;
Lord Sabaoth, His Name, from age to age the same,
And He must win the battle.And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us:
The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure,
One little word shall fell him.That word above all earthly powers, no thanks to them, abideth;
The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him Who with us sideth:
Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also;
The body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still,
His kingdom is forever.
Daniel Craig Sings a Mighty Fortress Is Our God from Vision Forum on Vimeo.
By grace God's Son, our only Savior,
Came down to earth to bear our sin.
Was it because of your own merit
That Jesus died your soul to win?
No, it was grace, and grace alone,
That brought Him from His heav'nly throne.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Answers in Genesis answers questions about Halloween!!
Halloween History for younger readers
(you also might want to check out the longer version)
Thank you Answers in Genesis!
Mussel Bed
By Hannah
High tide is approaching. The gentle waves of low tide are gradually growing rough, whipping and lashing at my cliffs. Around me, my neighbors the barnacles, who had before been tightly shut, are opening up, preparing for the large amount of water (and hopefully plenty of food) that is soon to come.
Let me tell you about my neighbors. Some are called Acorn Barnacles. Looking identical to a rock, they may seem inanimate; however, they are quite the opposite. They have special appendages, called cirri, for getting food. When hungry,these barnacles will stretch out their cirri and begin reaching for food particles, looking just like an octopus grabbing for prey. Also, Acorn Barnacles are very attached to their homes; in fact, they grow their shells directly into the cliff they're on! They're not about to move anywhere.
The other barnacles, the Goose Barnacles, are a brilliant white color. Their many pointed ends make them look like shark's teeth, but don't worry, they don't bite! Talking about biting, when they're eating, they don't use cirri for getting food. In fact, they don't have any cirri at all! Instead, they depend entirely on the ocean's current to bring them their food. Because of this, they need to be very secure on the cliff. Therefore they attach themselves to the cliff by a sturdy stalk, which makes them look like blooming flowers when they open up.
And what about me, a California Mussel? In order to get food, I suck in water through my siphon and filter it through my gills. After that, my labial palps, which are flap-like folds, will guide anything that gets caught to my mouth where I can properly eat it. Also, under my shell I have a very strong substance called byssus, which is silk-like threads, that attach me to the cliff. Because of that, I never have to worry about being swept away by the current.
I would like to talk more, but high tide is almost here, and I need to get my siphon ready to suck in water. Good-bye!
Encouraging Notes
Yesterday morning when I got up, I found three encouraging letters for me on my briefcase. Thank you Amy, Allison, and Hannah. The messages gave me a smile and helped to lift my spirit.
Later that day I was with my friend Dave at a coffee shop. He got a latte but I didn't want coffee. Normally I get green tea when I go with Dave to a coffee shop but this place did not have green tea. However they did have mint leaf tea. So yesterday I was thinking of Timothy while I enjoyed my mint leaf tea.
While we were there Dave talked to me about a book that he was reading that deals with personality types. He said that my personality is the "Perfect Melancholy". He also talked about one of the biggest problems that people with my personality have, we are often too dark and negative. Because that sounds so much like me I think that he may be correct.
So I am praying that God will help me focus more on Him and His plans and less on the things of this earth that can be dark and discouraging. I need to take off my dark colored glasses and put on glasses that can see things the way that God sees things.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sea Lemon
based off the fieldtrip to the beach
by Joshua
(click for a page about sea lemons!)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
H1N1 Vaccine
We went to the Public Health Center-North Inland in Escondido because they actually have the vaccine. (In the above photo.) Everywhere else we checked didn't have it yet and didn't know when they would. In the media I had heard stories of long lines with thousands of people trying to get vaccinated, but when we went there there was very few people. It went very smoothly and quickly and it was FREE. We even got stickers! (see left)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The story behind "Repentance"
"I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:32
"For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death." 2 Corinthians 7:10
On December 2'nd, 2008, 04:43 AM, I downloaded the second part of a sermon series by Paul Washer (True Gospel Series). I was feeling depressed and anxious and I had not slept at all the previous night. It was still dark, everyone else was asleep, and I was bored out of my mind. I thought that I might as well listen to the rest of this series I started a week earlier, there was nothing better to do anyway.
I sat at my computer and started listening. Tears began to stream down my face. I sketched the picture on the right with shaking hands before I broke down. I had never before in my life cried for anyone other than myself, I have a callous and cold heart. But for the very first time that night I cried for Jesus; because that night He regenerated my heart and He saved me.
Some people might think when they look at my life, being raised as a homeschooled evangelical Christian and acting the part perfectly, that I was probably saved beforehand but just never realized the love of God as fully before.
After all, I seemed like a good Christian. I wore conservative clothing, tried to obey my parents, never watched TV, was vehemently opposed to all things anti-God, criticized my friends for doing 'worldly' things, prayed like no one else did, I was fanatic about evangelism; and I was so sure I was saved, so sure I loved God, in fact I had more assurance of my salvation than anyone else I knew.
But now I am sure I would have gone to hell if I would have died at any time during those 18 hypocritical years I lived. Before that moment on December 2'nd, 2008, I had never once loved Jesus. Before that moment every thought I had about Jesus filled with hatred. I acted like a Christian, but I had really created a 'god' in my own mind that I worshiped rather than Jesus Christ. And whenever people spoke about the true God and the attributes of the true God I became very angry.
The following is what I wrote in my journal one week before I got saved. I was embittered and furious at people who talk about the love of God; I didn't understand it, I tried to play along but it didn't work. And because it 'didn't work' for me I assumed they must by lying.
"People are always saying stupid things to me like, "Oh Allison it's OK, you don't have to worry, GOD IS LOVE!! See, that makes it all better doesn't it?? Doesn't that make it all better, Allison?? Why doesn't that make it all better?? You are a Christian aren't you??" AND I BOUGHT INTO IT. I acted like that!! The apex of all meaning in everything I ever created was a pile of half-morals with a GOD IS LOVE stamped on top with big, self-important letters. I told MYSELF those things BECAUSE I BELIEVED IT WOULD MAKE IT ALL BETTER. And it was HELL. The thing toted to be the end all of emotional problems and the ultimate meaning of EVERYTHING in the universe DIDN'T HELP ME."I then went on to blame all my spiritual problems on people who got "emotional about Jesus". I hated them. This is what I thought about Jesus and whose who loved Him:
"EMOTIONALISM!! It's EMOTIONALISM! IT's the liberal mindset SINKING INTO EVERY ASPECT OF THE CHURCH and it almost TURNED ME FROM GOD. The whole time I desired a tougher God and I HATED. I absolutely HATED the squishy in the church. I thought it was foolishness and weakness and womanishness but I was ASHAMED of hating it because IT WAS CHURCH STUFF YOU CAN'T HATE CHURCH STUFF. But I HATE it more than ever now!! I hate it because it's turning people bitter towards God and against God because the God THEY are toting around is FOOLISHNESS. It is a IDOL. "The "squishy in the church" was the TRUE teaching about Jesus Christ. I had just called the cross "foolishness" and my Savior an "idol". I had created a 'god' in my own mind that I worshiped and I thought was real, and so of course everyone else was wrong. And that 'god' would never by gentle or merciful or loving. But that was OK, because I believed that I was a 'good person' and wouldn't have to worry about that.
I was not saved and I deserved to go to hell for the blasphemies I committed against the one true living God. It terrifies me to think of how I was before.
Soon after I got saved I wrote this in my journal:
"I cry for Jesus.In one night I was completely changed. Everything I used to love, I hated, and everything I used to hate, I loved. The God I spurned became my only hope. Jesus Christ became the most precious thing in my life. Jesus was all I had.
It's that crazy??
I'm crying now.
MY GOD died for me!
I am floored by this God. I have no idea what to do with this God. But God!!! I am so sorry! I know I've done wrong!! But you DON'T CONDEMN ME- why don't you??? I deserve it, GOD! I have no IDEA what I've done to YOU. Even now my brain and my sins RAIL against you even as I TYPE but you do NOT CRUSH ME WITH FLAMING HAIL- WHY NOT???
Oh my Savior- I don't understand your love."
"I want to worship You, Jesus Christ, for in You all things were made, and through You we will be made new.
My Savior, my Christ, my only friend, who do I have on heaven or earth but for You???
Oh my God! My only friend! Please don't pass me by, please come and teach me how to love You better-
I hate my neglect for You, please, oh PLEASE-
I want to love You.
I want to love You more than I want anything!!
God! Please help my little pathetic faith!"
It was so strange to me. I became like the people I mocked, my ideas totally changed, I was a new creature, a totally different person.
"I wrote once that 'squishie christians' were my problem, you know, 'lovey dovey' ones that make God seem "too soft".
It's funny cuz I was so stupid and God was so AWESOME.
Haha, I know I said you were wrong and called you idiots but guess what? Now I agree with you but only x10!
That night I went into that sermon not seeking God, not seeking salvation, not seeking anything; I was just bored! God is so not fair! I know some people seek God for years before they become a Christian, but I wasn't even looking. I went into that sermon thinking I was a Christian, I was totally confident in myself and my 'religion'; but I came out truly converted, and weeping.
I do not enjoy talking about what I was, I surely don't promote it or agree with it anymore. And I KNOW I am not perfect by any means, even though God has saved me, I at times revert back to my old nature and and God-hating self. I am shocked when God revels to me how sinful I truly am. Repentance is something that must by done constantly.
But let me boast in my weakness, so that the Son may be exalted when you know what He has done for me.
So the image of "Repentance" is about a God saving a God-hater; Jesus saving the one who hated Him more than anyone else (which is of course me, that character is a representation of me).
It's a picture of the undeserving rebel being awakened, by God, to know of the love and mercies of God.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Our Trip (Nathaniel's view)
Today, we went on a trip to a giant bridge. After Mommy parked the car, we started walking on a little dirt trail. On both sides of the trail were ugly, poky plants. I didn't like those at all.
Then, we had to walk along a narrow path in-between the road and a long drop. Even though the cars were racing by very fast and the bottom of the cliff was covered with nasty plants, I wasn't scared at all. (Silly old Hannah seemed scared out her mind, though.) While on the path, I saw a grandma and a grandpa walking too. They waved at me and said, "hi," so I smiled back. They looked very happy.
Finally, we reached the big bridge. I thought it would be scary, like an adventure; however, looking over both sides, all I saw were some ugly, dead plants like before. Where was the lake, Mommy? I felt very disappointed.
After we got across the bridge (I was the first one, by the way), I saw an old, upside-down boat. I kicked it with my shoe, but I couldn't topple it over.
Suddenly, a little boy on a bike went right to the bridge, a big cloud of dust behind him. Following him, another five or six big boys on bikes came right up to the bridge. More and more kids on bikes kept coming until they entirely blocked up the entrance to the bridge. I thought we would have to stay there forever! Soon, however, they started biking again and we could cross.
By that time I was furious. Hadn't Mommy said there was going to be a lake? There was no water that I could see. Hadn't Mommy said we were going to a green park? For as far as I could see, the only green was the moss growing on the ugly, dead trees. Feeling cheated, I grumpily made my way to the car and wiggled as Allison buckled me in.
I thought for sure we were going home, but Mommy had other plans. As soon as I was let out, I immediately saw a white tent. (I think Mommy called this a "pumpkin batch.") Inside, I saw scarecrows like Spud in Bob the Builder; a big, scary, black spider; and many, many pumpkins, and one of them was even bigger than me! Yellow sticks (I think Hannah called them "hay") were strewn all over the floor, making walking kind of bumpy. Outside the white tent, lots and lots of big, orange pumpkins were lined up, just waiting to be bought. Next to the pumpkins, there stood a cage full of big mommy goats and one little baby goat. I loved that little baby goat. I wanted to go back and get a pumpkin, but first Mommy wanted to go into the corn maze.
Now it was pumpkin time. I went straight for the biggest, tallest pumpkin I could see, but Mommy said it was too expensive. I tried another one; still no. I started getting angry again. Why couldn't we get the big ones? Finally, I compromised and allowed Mommy to get a small one. Unfortunately, even though I wanted to carry it, Mommy said I was too little and had Joshua do it instead. I'm not too little! I can do big kid stuff, Mommy!
A pumpkin under one arm and purse in the other, Mommy went to a lady in front of the cash-register. Instead of talking to Mommy, however, the lady turned towards me and asked, "So, did you go in the maze?"
"Did you get lost? Go in a dead end?"
"That's good. Even I got lost in there."
I smiled, happy that I was even better than the lady.
After Mommy payed, we went back to the car and drove home.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Names of Jesus in Japanese
Have you ever tried to talk to someone who just doesn't understand your point? You would be better off talking to a brick wall; at least the wall would stay quiet long enough for you explain your point. No matter what words you use, they don't register in this guy's brain, bouncing off his head and falling off into eternity. In order to communicate with this person, you need to find out what words will help him understand you. And yet, this is exactly the problem anyone talking to a non-English speaker will instantly learn: no matter what you say, if the person you are speaking to doesn't understand what you, you are not communicating. Therefore, learning what words he understands will allow you to speak with him and actually make sense.
I will try and explain how to say Jesus in Japanese. Although you may never use these words (how many Japanese do you encounter in America anyway?), you never know what you will do. You may one day or other be able to use them. And, even if that is not the case, I hope you can have some enjoyment (however small) from this.
The first and more commonly used word is "イエスキリスト," pronounced "iesu-kiristo." As you can see from the pictures above, many times just "キリスト" (Christ) is used.
The second word is "基督," which is pronounced the same way as "キリスト" (kiristo). However, this word is a little different from the first. The first word is written in Katakana, which is just like our alphabet, with abstract characters representing sounds, while the second word is written in Kanji, which are the characters Japan "borrowed" (cough cough, stole) from China. With Kanji, each character is a word in and of itself. Therefore, the word "基督" is actually composed of two older words. "基," pronounced "moto" or "ki," means "origin" or "base." This character is used in words like "基本," meaning "foundation." The second character, "督," is pronounced "toku" and means "to lead." Another word where this character is used is "督励," which means "encouragement."
Thank-you for reading this, especially if you have no interest in Japanese! God bless!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Life of Nathaniel
Sunday, October 18, 2009
At 10-15-09 we went to a local Californian winery named Orfila.
The grapes were already picked, so when we got there the vines were all barren.
They watered the vines by a drip hose, though they said the amount of water depends on the temperature and time of season.
After the grapes were picked they were skinned, crushed, and put into wine barrels. (See to the left) The time the barrels sit like this depends on the grapes and wine they are trying to make.
In the front they had an abandoned wine cylinder. You can see the size comparison to Nathaniel (age 5)
- Timothy 14
Talking Bibles
On one of our tract evangelism adventures recently on Grand Ave., we stumbled across the headquarters for Talking Bibles. Years ago I heard on K-love about small audio bible units that were being used among people groups that were illiterate. I think this is a wonderful way to go to the ends of the earth with the gospel and I wanted to support it but I didn't get any contact information. I don't know if Talking Bibles is that same organization, but they sound pretty good. When we were there, it was during a time when they were closed, but the leaders of the organization just happened to be visiting at that time, so we were able to talk with them about their ministry. I met Paul D. Hoekstra and his father, who started it. They were a missionary family in Africa and have a lot of connections to bring these audio Bibles to the people who need them. Their website is and I encourage you to check them out and see the exciting things they are doing. We are hoping to support them in the near future.
Redeemed Fiction
There are many, many Christian writers today who have spoken out against Christian fiction authors that in any way hold up their 'faith' more than their 'story'. In fact, I have yet to meet anyone who would disagree. Unanimously, 'story' must always come first and 'deep meaning' must always come second.
They caution you not deface your work by "spray-painting Christian messages and symbols" all over your story. After all, they say, non-Christian readers will be more attracted to the "subtleties of your worldview" and that "Biblical concepts just might trickle down into the non-Christians’ subconscious". They speak of the "need for Christian novelists who don’t propagandize". They caution you, for the reputation of Christian authors everywhere, "don't shove your message down their throats", don't go about "writing spiritual invitations disguised as good stories".
But most importantly, don't "sacrifice the story to evangelism".
I would like to say that I am not going to "sacrifice my story to evangelism"-
My story IS EVANGELISM. The STORY is CONVERSION, what other story is there to tell? What could a Christian author possibly write about that could be greater than the story of his REDEMPTION, the substitution, the sacrifice of Christ for our PROPITIATION, and the new LIFE that happens afterwards????
What greater message could ever be written than of Christ?
What Christian is ever bored of this story?
And what non-believer DOESN'T NEED TO HEAR IT?
And in empirical REALITY- WHAT GREATER STORY IS THERE? In our universe, in our dimension, what themes or ideas could you possibly represent that could be greater than the God who saved you?
What greater story can man tell than the story of his merciful Lord buying him with a price??
But most of all: WHY is AVOIDING this GREAT STORY some kind of MORAL??
How can you tell a man who has been gifted with the ability and desire to write fiction, that creating a work that primarily honors the Savior who bought him, is some how an offensive thing that should be avoided??
How can you tell an artist that he is not allowed to express in his work the greatest beauty he has ever seen?
How come the greatest thing you can say about a Christian or his literary work is that he didn't shove his message down your throat??
As if a Christian who DOESN'T speak of the GREATEST DARN THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO HIM is somehow more creative and "down-to-earth" and honest than the man who DOES.
And the man who does speak of such things is accused of PROSELYTIZING, even by his fellow "Christians".
Purpose of Our Blog
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross." (Colossians 1:15-20)
We pray that it would be possible that the light of Jesus can shine through our lives and show forth His truth, hope, and life.