Thursday, October 7, 2010

50 years of cultural decline as seen in cartoons

I had recently watched a clip from a brand new popular kid's show and I was offended by it's stupidity and vulgarity. Last night I saw a clip of a cartoon from the 50's. The differences are striking. So, for your interest I give you 50 years of cultural decline.

Cartoon from 1959.
WARNING: Educational and you will be SMARTER for watching!!

Cartoon from 2010.
WARNING: Offensive and you will be MADE STUPIDER for watching!!

Now, I'm sure that there were plenty of trash shows and cartoons in the 50's. But my point is that you would NEVER see the clip from the 50's made for kids today, and you would also NEVER see anything as vulgar as the clip from today's cartoon played in the 50's.


  1. Bunny, that show from the 50's was beautiful. I guess I never knew how they use mathematics in such a way in architecture. And then to see the exact same pattern in nature, was absolutely awe-inspiring.

    From the 50's show, I got the feeling that everything was right, in place, and good. I Got inspiration to bring into this exiting world something new and beautiful.

    But from modern entertainment, I get the feeling that the universe is crazy, and unordered. It's the feeling that nothing makes sense, so why put forth an effort to reason in madness?

    I noticed that as I watch or consume media that has a distorted perspective of the universe, without knowing it, I walk away with that distorted view of reality.

  2. I watched that first movie and gained smart points. I watched the second one and lost all my smart points. D:
