Sunday, March 21, 2010

Story Time

Once upon a time there was a little giant princess who though he was really beautiful but everyone thought he was a little ugly but not that ugly. So anyway, one day she was walking down the street thinking something like “oh, look at me everyone because I think I'm so beautiful, like a chicken” Everyone laughed at her and she didn't even know why because she knew that people thought she was a little ugly but not that ugly so I think I should guess that it didn't matter that much if people thought she looked like a chicken or not like a chicken because even if they thought she looked like a chicken or not like a chicken it wouldn't change what she though about herself because she knew in her own mind that she was a chicken. She also had a pet chicken.

-By Nathaniel 6 and Timmy 14


  1. By the way, the font is "Georgia" in honor of Nathaniel.

  2. That really long sentence takes up half the story. :P

  3. Hi Uni, really cute story.

    I saw your post over at Ray's swamp about atheists saying insulting things on your blog.
    I haven't found any insults yet, am I in the right blog?
    I'm an atheist, but I'm nice.
    I never comment at Ray's, I just go there to learn from very clever people like Stephen J, Lurker, Celtic Chimp etc, and a lovely, clever Christian lady called Anne Acker, who actually engages in honest debate.
    best regards

  4. Hah, no. You're not in the right blog. This one is for my family.
    I'm glad you're a nice atheist. :)

  5. You've got a great family, it's a lovely blog.

    What's the address of the place where I can find my rude colleagues?
