Monday, January 6, 2014

Nathaniel says this sums up our year:

The Year of 2013 by Nathaniel Barnes

Our family is sorry for people who are looking at our blog, and have seen nothing coming up for a very long time. So, I will have a review of all of 2013, and hope for 2014 to be better.

January: I don't really remember then except that it was the New Year and Daddy went to the electronics fair.

February: We ate lots and lots of icecream, and for some reason, now no one remembers that.

March:  We went on the GAPS diet. I hate the GAPS diet. It is worthless to me. It is ruining our family and is killing our family!!! I thought that our family was going to get better by 2014, and I was wrong.

April: After Grandpa got Alzheimer's, we had him in daycare with Michelle who was a very nice lady. In April we put Grandpa in Silverado facility.

May: I don't remember what happened in May, and probably nothing happened.

June: I got a big swimming pool. Yippee!!!!

July:  Bad fireworks! I was very disappointed about that. And also, I'm very sad about this, but on July 8th my great grandpa, who invented many things, and who was a great man, died. Sad.

August: Timmy's birthday, and Hannah's birthday. We had a few weeks off from school.

September: We started school, again. At the end of September, I was very happy that we were going to Legoland, and I was very surprised that we were going to Legoland. But I wanted to go to the beach.

October: The October Apocalypse!! It was the end of world, every man, woman and child in the Barnes Family was sick and dying! Also I lost my computer. Sad. Sad.

November: My birthday! Yeah! Yippee! Yippi! Yippo! And also there was Joshua's birthday and we watching Turbo. On my birthday we watching Monster's Inc. University Style.

December: Oh Decembrrrrrrr.....There was Uncle John, and Leandra and Christina came down from the cold land. They were nice people and wrecked my life and they gave us penguins!!!

That was the end of year, nothing more, nothing less, and nothing in between. The End.

Joke From our Hannah (as told by Nathaniel)

Q: Why did the policeman put the prisoner in the truck?

A: Because the judge ordered the prisoner to be inCARcerated.